
What is the aim of RobMoSys?
RobMoSys envisions an integrated approach built on top of the current code-centric robotic platforms, by applying model-driven methods and tools.
RobMoSys will enable the management of the interfaces between different robotics-related domains in an efficient and systematic way according to each system’s needs.
RobMoSys aims to establish Quality-of-Service properties, enabling a composition-oriented approach while preserving modularity.
RobMoSys will drive the non-competitive part of building a professional quality ecosystem by encouraging the community involvement.
RobMoSys will elaborate many of the common robot functionalities based on broad involvement of the community via two Open Calls.
Community Involvement
RobMoSys aims to coordinate the whole community’s best and consorted efforts to realise a step-change towards a European ecosystem for open and sustainable industry-grade software development.
For this, several open workshops, brokerage days and summer schools will be held to actively involve the community, complemented by dedicated workshops with a small number of experts from different fields for more focused input. Technical documents will continuously be added to the website. Moreover, intensive community involvement will be financially supported by two open calls with cascaded funding.
RobMoSys receives funding from the European Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732410.